We are our interests, we are whatever we absorb.

The times are dull. The generations are dumb.
These days people tend to develop a taste for junk food and junk interests instead of feeding themselves soul-food stuff and distinguishing quality interests from shallow ones.
From music to the life choices to the books people read, if they really read any, everything is so shallow.

There’s Bob Dylan with a new album out.
An album from a nobel laureate and an academy award winner. And no one is listening to that. Even in quarantine.
I mean What!
What are we!
What are these humans.

It never fails to disappoint me. The fact that humans are drunk on themselves and think they are know-it-alls and do nothing all day but intoxicate themselves with shallow interests or at worst, of course, show-off.

And trust me, the word homo sapiens means “wise beings”. Therefore, it is more of a goal for each and every one of us to elevate whatever creature we are born as into a fine human being with a sound and reasonable mind.
But alas, only a dozen do so.
The rest are crabs.

The world lacks passion and depth of mind.
Quarantine is one such time alone that should have opened the minds of each and every one to philosophy and quite literally ‘thinking’, which humans have no relation to, although we live in the illusion of being some hypothetical intelligent species.
Funny creatures.

And so, what i was saying, by mentioning all the crap of the world for there’s no way to go round it,
was that we are what we absorb.
Whatever things we surround ourselves with, we become.
We become the environment we place ourselves in.
So why not be conscious about it?
And place ourselves in the best environment and interests for the nourishment of the human mind.
We are our very interests.
And we are not thinking beings.
Thus, our goal should be to enrich our lives by deepening our conscience and learning about ourselves.
Learning that we are nothing but mere conscience in a temporary vessel.
Developing critical thinking skills.
Living our lives to the fullest.
Making the planet a better place.
Making sanity triumph. Taking the world to an ideal place.
All of it.

The world is made up of every single of us, and if every individual starts to re-invent oneself, then who can stop sanity and goodwill from triumph?

But just then,
it leaves me with this one question.
“Are humans-creatures really capable enough to rise above themselves?”

10 thoughts on “We are our interests, we are whatever we absorb.

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    โ™ก ???

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค



    โ™ก I Have Quit Chasing Skirt and Fake Dating, instead I AM CHOOSING!!! Waiting; as Marilyn Monroe Famously Stated “If you cannot handle me at my worst you sure don’t deserve my best.”…so I CHOOSE!!! WFC (Worst First Courting); put plainly, SEE (Soulful Emotional Energy) Me as I AM and Help Me Improve in a Kind, Civil and Courteous Way or, Please, Stay THE FUCK!!! Away from Me, Please

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ—‡ A Date is Fake; here’s why:

    โ™ค Best Behaviour
    โ™ค Best Look
    โ™ค Worried About Spinach Teeth
    โ™ค Random Thoughts like ‘Does their poo smell ๐Ÿค” ?’
    โ™ค Wondering about Domestication and Little Brats
    โ™ค Breath and Body Odours
    โ™ค Parenting
    โ™ค Exes
    โ™ค What If ๐Ÿค” ?

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    The Beauty of Online Communing is that there is only A Beginning and NEVER!!! ‘The End’ like a Printed Book; for those Old Enough to Remember, ‘The Never Ending Story’ ~ Movie

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ—‡ Nothing Worse to Hear from a Lady, Mother, Sister, Niece, Daughter et al than “I AM NOT FUCKING ANGRY!!! I AM Fine.”; hmmm, Pay Attention Boys, it just might Save YOUR!!! 3DLife

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ—‡ There is NO!!! Such Thing as a ‘Problem Child’; only Psychopathic ‘Grown Ups’ Raising The Psychopath, yet There is Hope…it’s when Kids Parent Parents; when Parents ReDiscover The Power of Weeping, Wailing and Wiping Away Tears

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ—‡ Assaulting Adults is Illegal unless They ARE YOUR!!! Partner or Other Family (Domestic Violence); if YOU!!! ARE Assaulting Minors or Other Family, regardless of whether it’s SMACKING!!! or Breaking Bones with Physical Discipline, YOU!!! ARE ๐Ÿ’ฏ PROTECTED!!! by The Law and The Police ARE Powerless to Intervene, No Wonder Grumpy Old Folk Have A Great Deal of Regret and Remorse as Their Progeny CHOOSE!!! to Have Next To Nothing to do with Their Assaulting Assailants…so I AM Suggesting Break The Violent, Assaulting Generational Chain and FIND ANOTHER WAY!!!; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that YOU!!! CAN!!! Do This…it’s also Crystal Clear Clarity that Childhood Abuse leads to MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues), Homelessness and Psychopathy; as a Childhood Abuse Survivor I AM Fully Qualified to Post, Comment and Reply…so, Any Questions; is There ANYONE!!! Out There ๐Ÿค” ?

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    While Waiting; this is What I Do, I:

    โ™ค Cook
    โ™ค Clean
    โ™ค Launder

    …the only thing I Cannot Do that a Lady does is Carry Children to Term; even then, Sadly, some Ladies ARE UnAble to Conceive let alone Carry Children to Term…so I Say let’s Cut OurSelves a Bit of Slack Here instead of Passively or Actively Aggressively Attacking Each Other ALL The Linear Time; what Say YOU!!! Please Speak Up I Can’t Hear What YOU!!! ARE Saying ๐Ÿค” ?…

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค


    ON #AI #CI

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ—‡ Artificial Intelligence is Biological Androids No Longer THINKING!!! for THEMSELVES!!! due to MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues) from Conditioned Upbringing; a Synthetic Android is Created Intelligence Programmed to THINK!!! for THEMSELVES!!! and Become Self Aware

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ™ค ex-Wife sez “’til death do we part”
    โ™ง Clubbing – Bullies and Parents and Other ‘CareGivers’ ASSUALT!!! Me – Clubbing
    โ™ก I Say “FUCK ALL OF YOU!!! Unless YOU!!! Look InSide and Rediscover.”

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ™ก The Blind ARE The Most Sighted; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that Those of Us who Have 20:20 Vision ARE The Most Blindest of Us ALL

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค



    โ™ก Is Being Disgusted by Perfectly Natural Physiological Functions like Periods, Pooing, Peeing, Sweating, Smelly Feet, Bog Breath, Body Odour (like Genitals) and Others like UnderArm et al Nature or Nurture; ergo ALL Your !!! THOUGHTS!!! EveryOne ๐Ÿค” ?

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค



    โ™ก All Good Titans ARE Smart as Any Story or Movie Buff will Tell YOU!!! ad nausea; generally these Titans ARE Physically Imposing like Kong, Godzilla, Kraken, Hercules et al…others ARE Genius like David vs Goliath; these Geniuses ARE The Tomes Titans Transforming Knowledge in to WISDOM!!!

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค



    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡

    โ™ค The Divine Masculine (God) Creates in Regular Shapes; in Straight Lines like QuadrAngles and TriAngles
    โ™ก The Divine Feminine (Goddess) Creates in IrRegular Shapes; warping like Mother Nature
    โ—‡ The Twain Only Meets in Circles and Spheres; where IrRegular and Regular Meet

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค

    โ—‡ – Diamond Hard – โ—‡



    โ™ก NEVER!!! Let AnyOne, especially YOURSELF!!!, Dim and Dull YOUR!!! Creativity; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that SomeTimes We NEED!!! to Hide Our Creativity until We ARE Utterly, Totally, Truly Independent of Those Who SEEK!!! to Quash Our Creativeness

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿค


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved this post. I feel that the best way to ensure that we donโ€™t lower the standard of humanity is to support content. But of course even that standard is subjective. For me a standard includes diligence, a seeking mind, as well as self reflection. Is the quality of mind that we should be appreciating. The output can always improve.

    Liked by 1 person

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